Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Books: My Own (Part 2)

As previously shared, I have had the opportunity to write several non-fiction children's books. The first two books were about states. The other four were about snakes. If you know me, you know that I am  not fond of creepy crawlies (ah-hem, mice). Therefore, you should be surprised that I would write about snakes, of all things. Let me assure you, I simply accepted the titles that were offered to me. What were they?

....drumroll, please....

Ball Pythons (not so bad)
Bush Vipers (vipers are scary)
King Cobras (yikes!)
Death Adders (umm...death?)

When I told my family the titles, they laughed loud and long (my fear of creepy crawlies is no secret). In spite of my fear of meeting live versions of the snakes, I actually enjoyed the project. Snakes are seriously fascinating. Especially if you are reading about them from the safety of your own snakeless home. My husband was even sucked into the research, especially video footage of python vs. tiger. Okay, so the video wasn't exactly research, but was a small rabbit trail [or snake trail?] of my research.

I am thankful that the three venomous/deadly snakes (bush vipers, king cobras, and death adders) are not slithering around on my continent. Trust me, you should be thankful, too. They are no joke.

*I enjoy writing about things I like and am not being paid to endorse products. I am, however, an Amazon Affiliate. If you click a link that takes you to Amazon and then purchase something, I receive a small percentage. To my knowledge, you will not have to pay more. These books were written on a contract basis, so I do not receive royalties from the publisher.

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